Blues For Neptune - by Frank Hettick - 2003 - $350 and $600

Image size is 15" x 30" or 20" x 40" on
artist's fine-weave white
canvas with the total edition
limited to only 25 prints.

This giclee print is personally printed, enhanced, signed and numbered
by the artist - and priced at $350 for the 15" x 30" - or $600 for
the larger 20 x 40-inch!   Either size will be shipped
unstretched and rolled in a sturdy mailing tube!

Neptune is seen here some 350,000 km away in this view from the gaseous planets' largest satellite, Triton. The methane in Neptunes' atmosphere absorbs the red light leaving the bluish cast that characterizes the planet. Tritons' surface is covered with a thin methane frost over a perma-ice surface - a hint of a slight methane haze on the distant horizon of this strange moon can be seen.

Although Neptune and Triton each have a similar methane composition the similarity ends there - Triton orbits the planet in a retrograde 157-degree angle to Neptunes' equator. This would seem to indicate Triton was a stranger to Neptune but was captured by the gravitational attraction long ago.

Triton is closer to Neptune than Luna is to Old Earth and is slowly spiraling in towards the huge planet. Sometime in the distant future Triton will break up under the influence of Neptunes' gravity and the remnants will form a ring of debris around the planet.

The indistinct horizon occurs only rarely - and is caused by the warming of methane gas as the satellites' polar cap is heated slightly by the sun (some 30-times the distance away from the sun that Old Earth is) during Tritons' 688 year-long seasonal cycle.

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All images on this site are Copyright 1952-2008 by Sky-High Galleries, Inc. and the artist
Frank Hettick.   Requests for reproduction, posting to any other website, or for
commerical use of any image on this site should be directed to the copyright
owners either via email direct to the artist
or in writing to
the studio gallery at the mailing address below.